Best Workouts for Stay-at-Home Moms: Exercising Efficiently with MOVES

Published by
The Moves Team
May 31, 2024
June 2, 2024

Best Workouts for Stay-at-Home Moms: Exercising Efficiently with MOVES

As a SAHM, you make the role of mom look easy to those around you. By day, you take care of this tiny human you’ve created while simultaneously checking off items from your never-ending to-do list.

By night, you might be glaring at the last load of laundry on the couch, debating whether to fold it, squeeze in a workout, or steal a second of peace to just relax. 

We know it’s not always easy to maintain a consistent workout routine as a stay-at-home mom. You’re a busy woman, and sometimes you sacrifice your own needs or wants in favor of meeting everyone else’s.

But what if it didn’t have to be so hard? What if you could seamlessly incorporate a workout routine into your bustling schedule?

Join us as we share all the tips on making a SAHM workout routine you can stick with.

Why Is Exercise Important for Stay-at-Home Moms?

Incorporating at-home workouts for moms can provide an energy boost more potent than the cup of coffee you’ve reheated three times today. But exercise can do so much more than that.

Whether you’re going for a jog or completing a strength-training routine, a busy-mom workout plan offers stay-at-home moms—and all moms—several benefits, including:

  • Improving your mental health
  • Providing an outlet for stress relief
  • Setting a good example for your kiddos

How to Fit Exercise Into Your Jam-Packed Routine

Between chasing after children, crafting multiple lunch options (at least one of which they will more than likely reject), and maintaining an acceptable level of cleanliness at home, when do you find time to squeeze in the exercise you’ve promised yourself for the past three days?

Moves founder Madeline Custer reminds us that the key lies in recognizing one simple truth: Working out doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. “Once you realize you can complete an effective workout from the comfort of your living room, you’re one step closer to making exercise a part of your regular routine,” she asserts.

Below, we share a few tips to help you consistently incorporate exercise into your busy schedule:

  • Set realistic goals – If you’re just getting back into the groove, begin with shorter workouts of around 10 to 20 minutes or so—whatever time you can spare to work out is worth it. As you establish a routine, you can gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts. 20 minutes of cleaning your house regularly makes a huge impact. 20 minutes of working out regularly does the same! Consistency is key.
  • Make exercise a priority – Starting or returning to exercise, especially postpartum can be a challenge. Some days, you might find yourself with a longer to-do list. But remember, exercising is just as important as the other tasks on that list. Even if you have to shorten your workout, prioritize this form of self-care. You deserve it!
  • Involve your kids – Make exercise a family activity by taking your little ones on walks, going for a bike ride, or letting them join in on body weight exercises. Better yet, who needs a kettlebell when you have a 15-pound baby you can lift?

Types of Workouts for Stay-at-Home Moms

Working out at home offers a world of possibilities, whether you’re equipped with gym gear, improvising with household items, or simply using your body weight. Here’s a breakdown of some of the types of workouts you can incorporate at home:

  • Cardiovascular exercises – Cardio exercises, like walking, jogging, cycling, and even dancing, are excellent ways to boost your heart rate without committing to serious endurance training. Our program, Endurance Moves, is the ultimate workout regimen for stay-at-home cardio enthusiasts on a tight schedule. This 16-week program can be completed anywhere and focuses on a combination of lower body, upper body, full body, and self-prescribed cardio workouts.
  • Strength training routines – From bodyweight exercises to resistance bands and dumbbell workouts, strength training uses—you guessed it—resistance to target and strengthen your muscles. If you’re new to working out or coming back after a temporary hiatus, our Beginner Moves program provides six weeks of progressive phases, including workouts that target upper body, lower body, back and chest, full body, and conditioning cardio.
  • Flexibility and mobility exercises  – Whether you’re seeking an active rest day routine or want to finally touch your toes when you stretch, you can easily incorporate flexibility and mobility exercises into your exercise routines - these sections are already built into Moves App programming for you! 
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) – HIIT workouts are another effective cardio workout that involves quick bursts of intense exercises, such as burpees, mountain climbers, jump squats, and knee highs, to name a few. HIIT exercises are an excellent choice if you’re short on time or enjoy mixing up your workout routine. You’ll find HIIT exercises built into many Moves App programs, like Weekly Moves and Endurance Moves, combining strength, cardio, and mobility.

Equipment-Free Workouts

Don’t let your lack of workout equipment stop you from jumping into a new exercise routine. You can easily craft a bodyweight workout that strengthens your muscles and increases your overall endurance. Plus, using your body weight is convenient and doesn’t cost a thing—it’s a win-win.

With Moves, you never need to worry about those days when you’re away from your equipment. Our app offers a convenient Exercise Alternate feature that makes it easy to modify or swap out an exercise (or three) on any given workout.

So, whether you’re looking for a movement that better aligns with your fitness level or you simply want to try something new to mix up your usual routine, you can easily adjust your workout to make it one that’s still challenging and engaging, regardless of your circumstances.

Postpartum Exercises From Home

If you’re on the postpartum journey, your body is likely still healing from giving birth and adjusting to caring for a newborn. As you navigate this transition and consider reintroducing exercise into your routine, you want it to be simple, straightforward, and most importantly, geared toward postpartum concerns and needs.

Postpartum Moves was crafted specifically for this reason, for individuals who aspire to incorporate exercise back into their lives, regaining strength and confidence along the way.

Developed by Pelvic Floor PT and Women’s Health Specialist, Dr. Lizzie Kieffer, this 10-week program is split into three phases, each designed to meet your needs as you strengthen and rebuild your core muscles. The program progresses gradually in intensity, starting with gentle core reconnection and advancing to bodyweight exercises and resistance training.

With workouts ranging from 20 to 45 minutes, you can easily fit them into your busy schedule. And if you can’t finish a session in one go, that’s okay! You can always pause and resume later—maybe during their next nap.

Nutrition Tips for Active Moms

Meal time doesn’t have to be a three-course dinner, or even take an hour to prepare. With these simple hacks, you can enjoy a nutritious meal that’ll fuel you through your next workout and beyond:

  • Meal prep your food – If you prep your meals ahead of time, you’ll find yourself with plenty of extra free time to work out and play with your littles. Meals Made Simple, our 8-week recipe and meal prep guide not only includes family-friendly and dietary-friendly recipes (built by a Registered Dietitian), but it also includes grocery lists and a library of breakfast, lunch, and snack ideas. If you are looking for a tool that helps you streamline your time in the kitchen - this one’s for you. 
  • Opt for one-pot meals – The crock pot is your best friend for one-pot meals. Just toss in a protein, grain, and some veggies, then let it cook while you go about your day. Chili, chicken and rice, and lasagna soup are all quick, easy, and satisfying options.
  • Make on-the-go snacks – Cut up your veggies and fruits ahead of time so you can grab them when you’re hungry, and eat them alongside yummy dippers like hummus, peanut butter, yogurt-based dips, or ranch.

The Importance of Community in Your Fitness Journey.

If you’ve experienced the power of workout buddies cheering you on, you understand the motivation they can bring. They’re always there to push you forward, convincing you that you can complete that last rep. Feeling a sense of accountability and community helps you stay consistent, even on days you’re feeling unmotivated. With the Moves App, you’re gaining a built-in community of over 34,000 like-minded members who are also on a journey toward an active, sustainable lifestyle. As a Moves member, you’ll receive instant access to community support and our exclusive Facebook group, where you can encourage each other every step of the way, no matter where you are.

Amplify Your At-Home Workouts with Moves

As a stay-at-home mom, you can have time for your kiddos and your workouts, especially when the right tools are only a click away.

The Moves App takes the guesswork out of creating your workouts. Simply choose from one of our eight programs based on your fitness level and current interests, and enjoy the curated workouts from start to finish, complete with step-by-step instructions and expert-led tutorials.

Take it from Nerissa S., a mom in her 40s, who has vastly enjoyed her experience using the Moves App: she says, “My energy has skyrocketed. I have found joy in these workouts. I feel strong, I feel capable, and I wake up choosing my health over quick fixes or excuses.”

Experience the difference Moves can make in your life. Download the app and start your journey toward an active, healthier you.


NIH. Exercise for Mental Health.

Harvard Health. The advantages of body-weight exercise. 

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